High Frequency
It is a process that can be used on plastics,
real leather, fabrics, synthetics, refractive
and many others.
The material, crossed by high frequency
current, reacts and the molecules that
compose it enter into vibration and heat
up to the melting point.
This technique allows to obtain writings
and logos in relief, in the most different
forms, but also textures, microtextures,
geometric designs and opticals creating
effects that can be emphasized by the
overlapping of other processes such as 3d
spraying or screen or digital printing.
FAQ about HF
What is this technique suitable for?
This technique is perfect if your aim is to obtain a relief.
What are the suitable materials?
Almost every kind: real leather, textiles, plastics, etc…
About the filling, what kind of filling is suitable?
Phthalate-free PVC foam, polyurethane foam, silicon, others… and all of these are available in different softness or stiffness to meet all requirements.
It is necessary a mold?
Yes, it is. There are different types of molds, the choice of the type depends on the graphics and the expected appearance.
Standard timing for the mold is from 2 to 7 days depending on the kind.